Thursday, January 15, 2015

Today's Pick Checked Poncho Cape Really Cool Design

poncho cape

Hello guys!

How are you all doing today? Hope you're having it your way today and I wish you much fun as I always do :). It is so important, so important. And you knew that already :D.


Today we've got this beautiful poncho cape. Yes, I've picked it, yes I did it myself and yes I know it is gorgeous! I mean, what did you expect, right :D!

It is not so cold over here and this could be the perfect solution for my vanity mindset these days:D. You all know I like to look pretty cool. And I like to be in style. that just makes me feel good. What about you?

This poncho cape looks much cooler than any jacket I've seen lately, and I bet it is pretty warm under it. Of course I'd layer it up underneath. I believe that checked design never went out of style, haha, right? It is timeless theme that designers use from season to season. And every season it works.

Share in the comments how do you see this poncho cape.

Love, Tonka

poncho cape

poncho cape

poncho cape

poncho cape

With what would you choose to wear this poncho cape?
Thank you my dears!

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1 comment:

  1. amazing i love the print it looks so cosy! id love it if youd comment back xx


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