Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Today's Pick Cool Long Blazer Jacket

blazer jacket

Hey guys!

We are gathered here to honor this beautiful blazer jacket. Hehe, I know! It's just what you've been looking for :D!

So let us create a discussion on this topic in the comments and I'll tell you my words of glory to develop this story! ;)

Where there is something that I like, like a fashion item, and if I find it cool or crazy cool, I just like to discuss it with my friends. I like to hear how they are admiring the item and it makes me feel like, oh yes, the master of style haha. Even though I am true master of the style... :D my own style, hehe.

This is such a simple blazer jacket, meaning the cut is so clean and simple! And if you read my previous posts you'll know that I glorify simplicity. I mean who wouldn't. Do you like something complicated. I like simple and easy things and I bet you do too :).

I adore that this blazer has big, wide, cozy pockets. Everything is so simple about this long coat and I love it because of that.

What do you think? Tell me in the comments :).

Love, Tonka

blazer jacket

blazer jacket

blazer jacket

blazer jacket

With what would you choose to wear this blazer jacket?
Thank you my dears!

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