Thursday, January 1, 2015

Today's Pick Is An After Party Plaid Shirt For Relaxed Breath

plaid shirt

Hello guys!

How is everyone doing :D????



I wish for you in 2015 to be free to even more express yourself <3! I wish the same for myself as well :).

And after sharing my beautiful wishes for all of us let me ask you if you are ready to get out of your fancy party outfits, if you even were in one :). I was supposed to be in one and the plans changed so I choose to stay in my cozy outfit as I stayed home with my hubby and ending having a great time.

Tell me your stories. How did you spend time on NYE. ;)?

I am back today with a new fashion pick, a plaid shirt. Beautiful plaid shirt to be exact :)! This blouse cought my eyes right away as I saw it had cute little buttons. 

As it isn't fitted and rather wide and airy, I saw it as a perfect item to be able to enter after we take our party dresses off. I love how checked parts aren't consistent and are very much lazy hehe. Just like the day after partying can be. And with all of that sait there is still lot of sexiness in this blouse. Can you see it? :)

Would love to know if you'd like to wear this plaid shirt as an after party choice. 

Love, Tonkić

plaid shirt

plaid shirt

plaid shirt

plaid shirt

With what would you choose to wear this plaid shirt?
Thank you my dears!

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