Sunday, January 4, 2015

Today's Pick So Cool And Cute Pink Crop Top In Shiny Shell

pink crop top

Give my request to the DJ to play some cool sounds all night long :)! 

When you see this pink crop top you think of dancing?

Are you with me? Are you feeling this vibe of having a dance night, songs chosen so well that even the most serious faces couldn't resist moving their bodies :D. Ah the beauty of music. It can easily change my mood from gloom to light :).


How are you today? Hope you are experiencing the day fully and with no regrets. It is the beginning of 2015. and I believe we all had some new resolutions to strive for this new year. I have a feeling this year will rock and roll :). If you know what I mean. I want to make it as good as it can get. What about you?

And now let us talk some serious business :D. I got a new fashion pick for us to discuss and to admire. Pink crop top baby!

wouldn't say that this is a must have because obviously some of us don't like pink or shiny :). And I believe most of us do :). Yeee! This is the pick definitely for my next party and all I need to do is to prepare my tummy to look slim like Rihanna's does all the time :D. And let me tell you, I have no idea how she keeps it that flat, I mean she ain't skinny girl, right? What do you think how she does it?

My favourite thing about this pinc crop top is the design. I admire the "almost short sleeves" and the way it is cropped. To me it looks as a fancy upper part of an expencive dress,

Tell me what would you wear it with:)!

Love, Tonka

pink crop top

pink crop top

pink crop top

pink crop top

With what would you choose to wear this pink crop top?
Thank you my dears!

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  1. I love metallic pink and I love the exposed zipper back too. Great pick!

    1. Hello dear! Thanks for sharing your beautiful comment :). Please do come again and share your thoughts on fashion picks :) much love


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